E’ stata inaugurata il 2 ottobre 2019 presso il Cultural Village Foundation Katara, l’esposizione “No boundaries”– senza confini – dell’artista italiana Caterina Varchetta, una collezione di circa 40 opere tra tele e porcellane in mostra fino al 13 ottobre.
“No boundaries”, organizzata dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Doha e dal Katara, fa parte della rassegna “Giornata del Contemporaneo – Italian Contemporary Art”, un’iniziativa promossa dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione internazionale per far conoscere il panorama artistico contemporaneo italiano. Il progetto aderisce inoltre alla “XV Giornata del Contemporaneo”, realizzata in Italia il 12 ottobre dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e dall’Associazione dei Musei d’Arte Contemporanea Italiani (AMACI).
Tele e porcellane dialogano apertamente tra loro, creando un collegamento vivo tra il background artistico di Caterina, influenzato dalla cultura italiana e, nello specifico, napoletana, e i simboli della tradizione locale e del paesaggio in continua evoluzione del Qatar. “No boundaries” a Doha vuole raccontare proprio questo: l’abbattimento di tutte le barriere attraverso il contatto tra pratiche artistiche lontane, che nelle opere dell’artista comunicano tra loro e danno vita ad un viaggio emozionante.
Il discorso dell’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Qatar, Pasquale Salzano, all’inaugurazione della mostra:
“Welcome to the opening of the exhibition “No Boundaries” organized by the Embassy of Italy in Doha and Katara – Cultural Village Foundation. This event is officially part of the initiative supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, aimed at promoting Italian contemporary art abroad. Let me thank first of all Dr. Khaled Al Sulaiti for the excellent ongoing cooperation that significantly contributes to the strengthening of the relations between Italy and Qatar, while offering cultural programmes that benefit our communities.
We have decided to resume our cultural journey after the summer break from a unique collection of canvas and porcelains created by the Italian artist Caterina Varchetta, precisely from Naples – where I come from – but based in Doha, where she lives with her family.
I would like to thank Caterina for sharing with us her talent and sensitivity, expressed through outstanding artworks that show the tight connections between Italy and Qatar.
“No boundaries” embodies at best the close relations between our Countries, that are always eager to reach higher levels of cooperation, including in the field of culture, where new creative codes of artistic expressions are emerging also thanks to these growing contacts.
Exposed to local influences and inspired by the landscapes of Qatar, Caterina applies to canvas and porcelains a very personal artistic language, mixing Italian traditions and Qatari symbols. As a consequence, her artworks engage without limits and restrictions in an open dialogue between two cultures.
Here it is the powerful message of “No boundaries”. Art knows no borders. It goes beyond any barriers and rejects labels, constrictions and divisions. This is exactly the approach that Italy and Qatar share towards art and culture, which need to remain free and inclusive.
I will let you now enjoy this wonderful exhibition – on display at Katara until October 13th – but let me thank you all again for attending the opening. I really hope you will appreciate this intense journey through the unique collection of Caterina Varchetta.”