E’ in corso al Sidra Medicine di Doha – il centro ospedaliero e di ricerca medica d’eccellenza in Qatar – il workshop “Engineered Immune Cells in Cancer Immunotherapy”, che riunisce il 15 e 16 febbraio alcuni dei principali esperti mondiali – tra i quali anche specialisti italiani – per un confronto e aggiornamento sullo sviluppo e i progressi delle terapie cellulari immunologiche contro il cancro. I progetti di ricerca medica in questo settore specifico sono seguiti al Sidra Medicine da un’equipe di ricercatori italiani, che conducono a Doha un programma di studi all’avanguardia.
All’apertura dei lavori del workshop è intervenuto l’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Qatar, Pasquale Salzano, per sottolineare il peso crescente della ricerca scientifica “Made in Italy” nel Paese e promuovere le attività e l’impegno dei ricercatori italiani in campo medico.
Good morning and thank you for inviting me today.
Allow me first of all to congratulate on Sidra Medicine. Your hosting of this scientific workshop shows once more that Sidra stands out as a cutting-edge research and medical facility, not only in Qatar and in the region but more and more internationally.
Science, Research and Medicine have no borders or nationality and shall always be a field of shared international action and responsibility.
Having this in mind, allow me though to highlight that as Italian Ambassador I am particularly proud that today we have many Italian researchers and – more generally – that Italy has been a partner of Qatar in developing Sidra and its research activities.
Italian researchers and doctors were part of the very first group of Sidra’s staff and played a key role in setting up the new laboratories. The Italian company INSO contributed to equip the hospital by supplying sophisticated medical equipment.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Diplomacy and Scientific Research might seem two worlds totally apart but I believe – on the contrary –that they are bound by a shared ambitious goal: to imagine and anticipate new possible scenarios that are not yet seen.
Researching every day to make possible new scenarios in medical treatments and patients’ healing – as you are doing by expanding and improving applications of engineered immune cells for innovative cancer therapies – make you Ambassadors of humanity in your pursuit of knowledge.
The results that will be presented and exchanged today, including from the excellent Italian research institutions here represented, are a valuable contribution to bring forward the fight against cancer.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Italy has a long tradition in scientific research. Dedication, excellence and – let me say – creativity, have shaped the “Made-in-Italy” research. We are proud of our researchers in the world, who are recognized for their competence and expertise.
It is a honor and not only a duty for the Italian diplomacy and for all diplomats to further encourage and accompany the contacts and interaction that stem from events such as this conference.
With this approach, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health, organized last year for the first time the “Italian Research Day in the World” to be celebrated every year on the 15th of April, the day when Leonardo Da Vinci was born.
In view of the second edition this year, our Embassy in Doha is planning one day initiative to bridge Italian researchers and Qatari institutions. The event will be promoted in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the health sector, which was signed by the Italian and Qatari Ministers of Health during the State Visit to Italy of His Highness the Emir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani last November. We hope that Sidra Medicine will be our partner in this initiative.
Medical research concretely benefit people and contribute to improve the development and wellbeing of society: this is the common vision that Italy and Qatar share.
I wish you all the best for a very fruitful workshop and exchange!
Thank you!