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Il Vernissage della mostra di fotografia contemporanea “A Focus on Italian Heritage”

E’ stata inaugurata il 15 gennaio presso lo spazio espositivo del Katara Cultural Village di Doha la mostra di fotografia contemporanea “A Focus on Italian Heritage”, organizzata dall’Ambasciata d’Italia in Qatar e curata dalla galleria d’arte Spazio Nuovo-Roma, che si terrà fino al 30 gennaio. Questa mostra ha il merito di portare in Qatar una collezione unica composta da 16 immagini fotografiche, realizzate appositamente per l’occasione da Riccardo Ajossa, Camilla Borghese e Olivier Roller, tre artisti che utilizzano la fotografia per reinterpretare l’immenso patrimonio artistico italiano.


Excellences, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

We are very proud to open the Italian Embassy’s cultural program in 2019 with this very special exhibition, a unique collection of sixteen art pictures, created and made by a group of three artists, Riccardo Ajossa, Camilla Borghese and Olivier Roller, who use photography to reinterpret the immense Italian artistic heritage.

Let me thank first of all the Cultural Village Foundation – Katara for hosting “A Focus on the Italian Heritage”, and Spazio Nuovo Roma, the curators of the exhibition.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Every art piece on show is a visual and emotional journey through the classical architecture, painting and sculpture, which have made over the centuries and still make Italy a great source of inspiration and beauty highly admired around the world.

The three artists share the same bound of devotion to the photographic medium and to the sublime Greco-Roman art as a subject of personal interest. What visually links their compositions is their aptness at highlighting and unveiling details and key elements of the subjects, so as to reveal the intrinsic and hidden meaning, that would have otherwise eluded comprehension at a first glance.

It is a sort of idealistic path through the centuries until today, where visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the extraordinary Italian artistic heritage and become aware of how much the Western civilization owes its way of life, identity and progress to its predecessors.

The artists’ approach embodies the great contribution of contemporary photography to “cultural diplomacy”: it certainly captures moments but also helps defining the past, building the present and shaping our vision for the future. Photography is indeed a powerful tool to share cultural heritage as well as stimulate people’s feelings and ideas.

In this regards Italy and Qatar has the same vision. Both our countries are committed to preserve, promote and make their respective cultural heritage as much accessible as possible in order to encourage the inclusive development and dialogue between communities and generations, as it is also highlighted in the “Qatar National Vision 2030″.

I am particularly proud that the increasing people-to-people contacts achieved through art and the more intense cultural exchanges have largely contributed to strengthen the bonds of friendship between Italy and Qatar.

A Focus on Italian Heritage Exhibition falls within this broader context of fruitful cooperation and dialogue where I believe our ambitions, expectations and ideas can have no boundaries.

I hope that all our friends here in Doha will enjoy the exhibition and I wish to all the visitors an engaging journey through our unique and beloved Italian heritage.