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Festival del cinema europeo in Qatar

L’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Qatar, Pasquale Salzano, ha partecipato oggi alla conferenza di presentazione del Festival del cinema europeo che avrà luogo a Doha dal 18 al 23 ottobre 2018 presso l’auditorium del MIA-Museum of Islamic Arts. L’Ambasciatore nel suo intervento ha presentato il film italiano “L’intrepido” di Gianni Amelio, che sarà proiettato il 22 ottobre alle ore 20.

L’intervento dell’Ambasciatore:

We are pleased to be part of the First European Film Festival together with other EU Countries, organised in the framework of the EUNIC activities in Qatar.

The EU cinema is well-known all over the world for its high-quality production. European movies often propose contents that contribute to raise awareness in our public opinion on topical subjects, social issues and topics of global concern.

Cinema is indeed a means to express and create cultural bonds, celebrate diversity and focus on shared problems and possible solutions. It is an essential form of art and communication that pushes for social change and development.

Movies can speak right to the heart of people and spread important messages in a language that is simple and accessible to all. With this in mind, we all worked together to offer a variety of quality films that are the best expression of the European countries.

The movie proposed by the Embassy of Italy – “L’intrepido” of Gianni Amelio – represents an odyssey through the world of work seen through the eyes of a kind, middle-aged man who takes on temporary unskilled manual jobs in order to be useful and have self-respect. Despite loneliness and personal family problems, he remains always optimistic. It is a tribute to the value of work, no matter how prestigious, important or simple it might be: it is always a value.

It is a touching story about an Italian man which takes place in Italy, but it could be actually any other country, and it could be a man of any other nationality. This is the true power and magic of cinema: Cinema is universal and it creates cultural links and mutual understanding among peoples beyond borders.

Thank you!